Northern Ghost Nights

Team members



I am a believer, due to personal experiences and due to not being able to rationally explain them.
In June 2005, I was asked to start a paranormal investigations team as I was a skeptic, on every investigation we went on I became more and more interested on what was actually happening and started to wonder if there was actually such things as spirits or Ghosts. I believe that I am actually sensitive to spirit and have started to learn to develop my psychic ability, which has lead me on an interesting journey so far.I have personally experienced feelings / thoughts from spirit whilst at schooner hotel. plus with my old team i experienced smells etc. Also experienced possible "spirit" shadowing me on one of our investigations last year.The favourite place at the moment for me is whitworth hall hotel - This was the first time that i had a "spirit" possibly shadow me.... a team member was asking questions and i felt like i was being made to answer, the answers were confirmed by someone else in the room too! I love old buildings like castles etc, they have so much history.


Tyne & Wear

What I do in team:

Technical guy

Developing Mediumship

whilst out on location.


I'm a total believer, reason being I've had too much confirmation not to believe! Ive also started to develop on my spiritual path, looking into both mediumship and healing parts of it, both interesting stuff!

When I first left school (many moons ago lol) I started an open circle, with many well developed mediums, I got a message and they knew way too much info for it not to be coming from another source (spirit). Ever since I've been wanting to know more and more about the paranormal / spiritual / pyschic side of life. So going out with the team helps me do that! Every location is so different, and mostly very interesting places too, from Castles to Pubs!d like to say I am sensitive to spirit, along with many many other people, we all are if we choose to develop it and use it! I pick up on some spirits when we're out and about on locations, and all this i love to do as it all helps my development! Mostly I see them in my minds eye, other times I might feel their presence. But I always confirm this with our medium or other mediums (guests) if they are about, then its all confirmation for me as I'm learning.Id like to investigate Edinbrugh Vaults & Marys Kings Close, Well they're active! I haven't been to MKC, but I did go to the Vaults, during the day tho, I would love to return with the team, I think it would be a great night. As it happens we just came back from Edinbrugh and yes went to Nidry street Vaults which were on MH that same night! Cool place would love to do proper invest in there..



What I do in Team:

Paranormal Investigator

Scientific / Equipment Guy

Baseline testing and testing

through-out the investigation

Profiles to be updated ***



Tyne & Wear.

What I do in team:

Locations & Events

Pre visits

Developing Mediumship

whilst on location.



What I do in Team:

Paranormal Investigator

Developing psychic abilities

whilst out ghost hunting. Also

Baseline testing.